27 British Tweets That Made Us Laugh This Week


Tesco cashier: That’ll be £78.49

Me: I have a club card.

Tesco cashier: Why didn’t you say so?! That’s £2.85. In fact it’s free. No in fact, we owe you money. Take the contents of the cash register.

03:50 PM – 20 Aug 2021

Twitter: @MONR0WE


Today the vet told me that since Covid, they’ve had to treat a number of cats with depression caused by irritation that their people are at home all day. Obviously it’s not really funny but… that’s the most Cat thing I’ve ever heard. Apparently dogs do not have the same problem.

08:23 PM – 24 Aug 2021

Twitter: @joannamont


6yo (to her crying brother): “It’s okay to be sad, sometimes we need to let our feelings out, just let yourself be sad.”
Me: “Oh darling, that’s so lovely, well done. Why is he crying?”
6yo: “I hit him.”


11:16 AM – 23 Aug 2021

Twitter: @elspells13


Sure, Perrie from Little Mix announcing the birth of her child yesterday and Leigh Anne announcing twins today sounds sweet, but if members of the band continue to reproduce at a similar doubling rate, there will be over 2.5 billion Little Mix children by the middle of next month

03:07 PM – 23 Aug 2021

Twitter: @JoeStephenson96

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