30 Boomer Culture Vs. 30 Millennial Culture Tweets That Perfectly And Painfully Show The Difference Between The Two Generations

Let’s get down to the bottom of it.

The following are a collection of tweets of what people on Twitter said are “millennial culture” and “boomer culture.” Make of it what you will.


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is having your ringer on full volume and letting it ring for a whole minute before answering

05:02 PM – 18 Dec 2019


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is not knowing what your own ringtone sounds like because your phone’s been on vibrate since 2009

11:58 AM – 01 Oct 2019


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is hearing something ridiculous being shared on Facebook and subsequently calling your Boomer parents to check in that they don’t believe it

05:19 PM – 28 Jul 2020


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is sharing Facebook posts of pets that went missing 200 miles away from where you live

11:05 PM – 27 Nov 2019


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is insisting on tipping EXACTLY 20% at restaurants and then asking someone how to open the calculator on their phone

10:38 PM – 29 Dec 2019


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is not being able to use technology and then blaming said technology for not working when in reality they just refuse to learn how to work it.

06:47 PM – 31 Jul 2019

Twitter: @skylerscott


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is owning a cabinet of expensive China nobody can use then complaining about “wasting money on electronics”

08:42 PM – 10 Dec 2019


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is trying to find recommendations for moving companies and realizing that none of your friends have ever owned furniture nice enough to move from one city to another.

09:22 PM – 04 Sep 2019


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is sharing a lengthy post on Facebook about how socialism kills children’s pets with a picture of the Joker, adding the caption “This hits the nail, right on the head .”

12:37 PM – 23 Sep 2019


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is saying “Might treat myself” when thinking whether you should get the bus home instead of walking

08:40 AM – 06 Sep 2019


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is owning hand towels you’re not supposed to use and then complaining that “all these electronics are such a waste”

07:46 PM – 28 Aug 2019


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is having one pair of AAA batteries and moving them around based on which remote you need to use.

05:55 PM – 07 Jul 2020


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is walking into an empty restaurant and sitting at the only table with cups and dishes, only to complain that the table is dirty.

11:24 PM – 11 Mar 2020


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is not asking for substitutions/special adjustments to your food at restaurants/fast food joints bc you don’t wanna be an inconvenience to the people working there.

04:25 PM – 18 Sep 2019


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is playing Facebook videos on your phone at full volume in the middle of IHOP then not understanding why people are looking at you.

07:20 PM – 26 Dec 2020

Twitter: @AlexMGintz


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is ready to face everything, except for answering a phone call from an unknown number.

04:41 AM – 14 Dec 2020


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is posting pictures of the silly face in your coffee because it’s a welcomed distraction from the firey hellscape that is our current realty. Lol so silly.

05:10 PM – 02 Nov 2021

Twitter: @realwayneevans


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is noticing a coupon not being scanned yet not wanting to bother the underpaid customer service rep….only to lament in the car how poor you are and could have used that $2.50

08:44 PM – 01 Nov 2021

Twitter: @lupalionessa


Boomer culture:

Boomer culture is chastising me for wasting money on both Netflix and Hulu, while they pay $90/mo for 300 channels and only watch Fox news and cold case files.

04:34 PM – 07 Nov 2019

Twitter: @eli_jaggers


Boomer culture:

boomer culture is getting together on the holidays, sitting in a circle and discussing every negative customer service experience you’ve had in the last 15 years

08:58 PM – 01 Jan 2020

Twitter: @MattDuckEmoji


Boomer culture:

Baby Boomer culture is posting a stock image of a tropical location with an accompanying caption of, “So beautiful,” or, “This would be the life!”

08:12 PM – 03 Oct 2019


Millennial culture:

Millennial culture is having to take vacation before the end of the year so you don’t lose it, but being paranoid they’ll discover they don’t really need you if you’re out too long.

06:17 PM – 23 Nov 2020


Millennial culture:

millennial culture is job searching every day, several times each day and finding no jobs with a liveable wage and the ones that do supply that and you’re skill qualified for require 5+ years of experience on top of it so you just

12:46 AM – 13 Feb 2018