“Tell Cookie Monster to move it over.”
Earlier this week, a very important early ’00s TV feud took the internet by a storm: Elmo vs. Rocco the rock on Sesame Street.
Yes, you read that right. Here’s a brief explainer for everyone who’s been living under a rock (see what I did there?) — basically, it all started when this clip resurfaced of Elmo losing his mind over a cookie-hogging rock named Rocco:
View this video on YouTube
Sesame Workshop / Via youtube.com
Along with some more absolutely iconic footage of Elmo losing his cool with Rocco…
@wumbooty DAWG! elmo has had enough with the shenanigans lol! i shouldn’t be laughing at this
@jonnyjukeboxx / Twitter
And then the king himself broke his silence:
Don’t worry everybody! Elmo and Zoe practiced sharing and are still best buds forever! Elmo loves you Zoe! Ha ha ha!
Elmo doesn’t want to talk about Rocco.
@elmo / Twitter
Can’t get any wilder, right? Well, today, the drama continued when actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson got involved.
Kevin Mazur / Getty Images for DJ
Here’s where The Rock comes in. The actor quoted Elmo’s tweet with this absolutely WILD message for Sesame Street residents:
Yes, my friend.
This Rock devours cookies.
All kinds of cookies 😈🍪
I’ll introduce you to #CheatMeals and it’ll change your life.
Tell Cookie Monster to move it over, cuz I’m coming to Sesame Street to kick ass and eat cookies.
And I’m almost all outta cookies.
~ Rock 🐂 https://t.co/BjlZciRqxU
Twitter: @TheRock
“Tell Cookie Monster to move it over, cuz I’m coming to Sesame Street to kick ass and eat cookies.”
And then, and then, and THEN!! *Catches my breath* COOKIE MONSTER also chimed in and replied to The Rock:
@MeCookieMonster / Twitter
Sooo…Elmo is feuding with a rock, and Cookie Monster is feuding with The Rock. Well, alrighty, then!!!
This essentially sums up my emotions about this whole roller coaster:
@MeCookieMonster @TheRock This. This right here is what Twitter and the Internet were invented for. The Rock vs Cookie Monster.
@caanadianfrost / Twitter
If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to watching Elmo and Rocco clips to distract myself from the world burning. ✌️
@formermerc / Twitter