Web Traffic – AdSense Program and Web Traffic


The advent of the internet and related technologies has created a plethora of economic opportunities. You can now make money from so many avenues via the internet. Such opportunities lie in online marketing, blogs, e-commerce and many others. Consequently, there has been need to amplify the number of visitors on a website since the traffic usually determines how much sales or how much income a website generates. Without traffic, a website cannot earn.

Great opportunities to make money abound on the internet. The virtual world has bridged the limitations of time and space. It has emerged as one of the most effective and convenient ways to make legitimate money. One such way is hosting Google adverts in your website or blog.

The AdSense Program

The Google Ad sense program is among the most innovative and lucrative referral program ever designed. If you have a website and have been able to build on the traffic, then there is now an opportunity to make additional income from Google. The adverts are automatically generated and matched to your content such that those visiting your website can also check what the adverts promise. For every click thus achieved, you make some money. The more traffic your website has, the higher click through rate you can expect. Click through refers to the number of ad clicks generated as compared to the number of visitors to the site.

That means that if the blog and or website have relevant, quality and updated content, you have a high rate of attaining a very high rate of ad clicks. The content should be aptly optimized so that it suits the needs and interests of the target audience. Such a program, which is easy to implement and free, can also help you boost your online business. As the web traffic thrives, you will also be making some money from Google every month, sent to you in a cheque or bank transfer.

All you need to do is to incorporate their generated dynamic link and the publisher ads appear on your website alongside their most relevant content. Remember, you do not earn money due to having traffic but only when the visitors click on the ads. The payment is not for impressions but for click throughs.

Again, the need for good content depicts itself here. Well-written and informative articles always attract much more traffic to your site than any other strategy of building on the web traffic. This additional traffic can be used to earn some extra income from Google’s banner ads. The ads do not require your input or maintenance since they are automatically generated and published in any page in your site that has the ad code.


Source by Mathenge Kabui